To all our valued customers and friends,

Firstly and most importantly, we hope you and your families are well and safe during this strange time we find ourselves in.

We want to take the time to reassure you that Cobalt Aerospace is operating as usual. We have two main facilities, one each based in the UK and the USA. As you will probably have heard, the UK has been placed on a lockdown to try and slow down the spread of the virus, and both regions are implementing social distancing measures. Our teams are all safely working from home and are easily contactable on the same phone numbers and email addresses as usual; contact our UK office here and our USA office here. We may not be able to meet you face-to-face for a while, but we are here and happy to chat.

You don’t need us to tell you that the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant event for commercial aviation. An unprecedented amount of aircraft are currently grounded, and many businesses and individuals are worried about the impact this will have on the industry. Additionally, many countries have been placed on varying degrees of lockdown. If you’re one of our customers, or you were thinking of working with us, you may be wondering how this affects you.

We want to encourage you to take the opportunity to look to the future during this difficult time, and we’re keen to support you in using this lull in operations to plan productively. This pandemic will end, aircraft will be back in the air soon and we want to enable your business to bounce back quickly and with renewed vigour.

The impetus behind designing our products has always been a desire to help improve aircraft and the experience of flying for passengers, crew and airlines. This approach is now more key than ever; when restrictions are lifted and aircraft are operational again it will be crucial to look to the most efficient and effective solutions; those that save fuel and money, and dramatically improve the passenger experience. For example, replacing a cabin lighting system with Cobalt Spectrum LED units can save weight, power and fuel, making an aircraft more sustainable and more profitable. Cobalt Spectrum also offers virtually limitless colours and bespoke lighting scenes, which can be designed to amplify brands and aid passenger wellbeing, offering reassurance of quality and building loyalty with returning customers.

Take care!

The Cobalt Aerospace team